The Elijah Chronicles

My story, from a year ago... told in poetic prose

To be, or not to be, that is the question.
Life is hard and 'tis cold so I tend to count my blessings.

Fresh out after a two year stint in a broken school system gilded by the International Baccalaureate Program,
I was a newfound high school graduate with a changed paradigm, already defying the statisticians.
I was accepted to two of ten great schools, both offering half my tuition...
Yet I was unable to net the rest lest my family pay in economic perdition.
The score was thus 10 to 2, and I was ready to give in.
No work experience, no people to call who weren't in a similar if not worse position;
No more will to fight or faith in crawling from this rocky pit of a socio-station.

Still, I persisted.

I found solace and inspiration through the likes of Ender and Shylock, and C. Clarke and the Dovahkiin,
Subsequently I found the will to recoup, and began selling knives for a living.
‘Twas by convincing the parents of my friends' friends to buy kitchen cutlery that I first learned the skills of networking, public speaking, marketing, and pitching.
Skills I knew I would need come time to sell my ambitiously disruptive innovations to the masses of worldly minions.

Lo n' behold, by chance of fate and perceptive Google engines,
I found the turning point of my life. A place that hence cultivated those nascent skills to fight against my strife.
YearUp has thusly evened the odds and gave a hand up to a place rife
With opportunity gained by gritty perseverance…
Coaxing confidence out of its frail, withered shell of depressive reticence.

‘Twas my advisors who directed my ambitions,
Instructors who readied me for any IT position,
Mentor who uncovered my business acumen
And manager who field tested and molded me for a security-minded, risk management profession.
Finally Friends who have shored up my sociable individualism.

The score is thus nil.

I have realized that life is as hard and cold as someone with a heart of gold.
Heating it with a bit of passion yields enough materials to build a bastion...
To engineer a superconductive bridge across the Opportunity Divide.
And so I have realized...
To be or not to be the best I can be was never the question...
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer or not...
Twas a quest,
One of many on my epic of hard-earned progression,
A path, along my Road 2 Success

Here is a view into the future of this site... and the internet: